Saturday, October 23, 2010

aiskrim giapo

semalam duduk anak-beranak di sebuah rumah yang tenang mata memandang ^___^. huh? permulaan macam mana ni? beranak-beranak pulak? ehem2 hidup sungguh bermakna bila dapat duduk anak-beranak macam ini. lalu, kata seorang anak; "kadang-kadang kalau mak saya suruh buat sesuatu lagi lah saya takmau buat". lalu anak yang kedua menyokong 100%. lalu anak ketiga pula up lagi ke angka melebihi 150%. lalu anak seterusnya pula tak ketinggalan menyokong. so, kau anak keberapa? (-__~)


pernah dengar lagu bagaikan sakti? eh bukan bagaikan puteri ala2 masuk ke alam princess tuh. haaa! dah ingat kan? kan?

"....cinta ini hakikatnya aku serahkan jiwa dan raga..jika ini ketentuannya...kau kan jadi milikku...lalala~" haip2 biasa tu dia. jahiliyyah ni tak boleh lama2 ye :p

hihi. bukanlah saya nak mengajak orang lain imbau kembali zaman jahiliyyah ke ape ke. cuma saya tertarik dengan lirik itu. jika dah cinta sanggup serah jiwa raga segala. itu dalam lirik yang manusia buat. ilham dari seorang manusia. karya seorang hambaNYA.

lirik sepuitis dan semanis aiskrim giapo perisa chocolate brownies (baru makan tadi AHAHA) mampu mencairkan hati dan telinga yang mendengar. kadar pencairannya berkadar terus macam makan aiskrim giapo perisa strawberry di musim summer bertemankan mentari yang setia menterikkan suasana. (baru terjadi jugak tadi HEHE) cepat cair, bukan? kalau diam tandanya setuju :)

*terliur tak??

namun, pernah kah terlintas atau terfikir yang cinta dari sang Pencipta kepada pencipta lagu dan lirik itu, bukan lagi bagaikan sakti tapi bagaikan galaksi bimasakti! pernah ke? pernah ke?

bukankah kita telah beriman yang DIA punya 99 nama? bukankah kita telah percaya dengan yakin bahawa antara nama-nama NYA adalah ar-Rahmaan? ar-Rahiim? al-Waduud? al-Ghaffar? bukankah setiap hari sekurang-kurangnya kita akan sebut namaNYA yang ar-Rahmaan dan ar-Rahiim sebanyak 17*2=34 kali?

sifat Maha Pengasih Allah tak terbanding oleh sesiapa pun. sifat Maha Pemurah Allah tiada dapat di tandingi oleh apa-apa makhluk pun. oleh sebab itu, kita seringkali tak terasa bila Allah menyuruh kita berbuat sesuatu. selalu saja kita kurang terasa bila Allah mahu menegur. tarbiyyah dari Allah itu kan paling halus? macam ice snow yang bila makan macam takde ape2. (musim panas macam sekarang memang suka nak cakap pasal aiskrim HUHU). tapi hujungnya akan terasa manisnya atau akan tersedarlah yang Allah sedang merancang sesuatu yang terbaik untuk kita! didikan Allah itu kan penuh hikmah, bukan begitu?

dari sudut lain, perasan kah kita yang setiap bait2 dan ayat2 dalam AlQuran yang jadi teman kita sehari-hari itu terkandung suruhan dariNYA? selalunya tidak, bukan? nah, lihat disini betapa sifat Maha Penyayang Allah terzahir dalam setiap firmanNya dalam al-Huda itu! hingga tak terasa oleh kita itu adalah suruhan! dan sering kali kita berbuat silap kepadaNYA, namun tak pula terus dihentamnya kita. kan kan kan?

owh, DEAR ALLAH, YOU are so sweeeett lah!


1.kenapa bukan pasal aiskrim giapo pun entry nih? arrrrgghhh!

2.bila pulak kita nak jadi hamba NYA yang sweet? selamat bermujahadah!

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Sunday, October 17, 2010


Paradise is only for the people who are righteous
So accept Islam you might just get the mercy when you pray to Allah (God)
You know that we want to go to Heaven
When you pray to Allah, When you pray to Allah, When you pray to Allah
Anything you want you gonna have when you think of it
There ‘ain't nothing you would like you gonna love it when you pray to Allah
You know that we want to go to Heaven
When you pray to Allah, When you pray to Allah, When you pray to Allah

Brothers acting like they're Rock
Sisters acting like they're hot
Muslims smoking pot
It happens a lot
And I hope my people stop and think about the clock
It goes tick + tock, life is over then you drop
Six feet deep under the earth waiting for your second birth
Allah will raise you up to see what your life was worth
What did your ears hear, what did your eyes see
What did your mouth say to those in your family
‘Cos children cussing out their dads, moms is getting mad
Parents getting frustrated ‘cos kids are getting bad
They're physically involved
and some are getting drunk
And others acting like Paradise is not what they want
And the mothers and father crying, “What happened to our baby?
Tried to raise ‘em right and now this child has grown up crazy.”
Maybe it's because their self esteem is really low
Or maybe it's because the children didn't know THAT

Paradise is only for the people who are righteous
So accept Islam you might just get the mercy when you pray to Allah (God)
You know that we want to go to Heaven
When you pray to Allah, When you pray to Allah, When you pray to Allah
Anything you want you gonna have when you think of it
There ‘ain't nothing you would like you gonna love it when you pray to Allah
You know that we want to go to Heaven
When you pray to Allah, When you pray to Allah

Let me speak with my Ikhwan, my brothers in Islam
I said you're looking like the Rock now what was on my mind
Sport the newest clothing line so the sisters think we're fine
Imitate JZ, LL Cool J, Eminem and Genuine
But can't nobody see Islamic identity
‘Cos we dress just like the people on TV
This life of glitter and commotion and amusement ain't for me
Life after death is the true reality
So brothers where yall at, let's represent this deen
If you wearing Shukr gear you know exactly what I mean
Tell the club you gotta go, leave them drugs and thugs in jail
Living ghetto fabulous will lead you straight to hell
Time to step up to the plate, it's never too late
You're a member of this Ummah so you don't assimilate
Disseminate this knowledge, go tell it to your bro
‘Cos I'm sure there's other people in this world who do not know THAT

Paradise is only for the people who are righteous
So accept Islam you might just get the mercy when you pray to Allah (God)
You know that we want to go to Heaven
When you pray to Allah, When you pray to Allah, When you pray to Allah
Anything you want you gonna have when you think of it
There ‘ain't nothing you would like you gonna love it when you pray to Allah
You know that we want to go to Heaven
When you pray to Allah, When you pray to Allah

Sisters don't you go to sleep, its gonna get deep
You're the mothers of this Ummah paradise is at your feet
But your phone is going beep from some boy that thinks you're sweet
But he ‘ain't the type of guy that you want your parents to meet
You're dressing to expose like those music videos
It's so tight, it'd be better if you loosen up your clothes
Be careful with these bros ‘cos Native Deen has seen a lot of sisters having babies with no Nikah (marriage) or walimah
So lower your gaze, fast a couple of days
Ask the scholars how does it feel when you give Allah praise
You think this life is a game but Shaitan is playing us
Go back to MYNA Raps and get Jihad of the Nafs
But you're wearing your hijab, I know that makes you strong
I know it's kind of tough when you feel that you don't belong
Being young it ‘ain't easy but don't ever feel alone
We were there, it was rough so we want it to be known THAT

Paradise is only for the people who are righteous
So accept Islam you might just get the mercy when you pray to Allah (God)
You know that we want to go to Heaven
When you pray to Allah, When you pray to Allah, When you pray to Allah
Anything you want you gonna have when you think of it
There ‘ain't nothing you would like you gonna love it when you pray to Allah
You know that we want to go to Heaven
When you pray to Allah, When you pray to Allah

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